
Despite the street protests over attacks on women in India in recent years, issues of violence, gender and women's representation have been largely lost in the election campaign, argues Swati Parashar.

When the ballot boxes finally close on 12 May, the horse-trading for power begins in earnest. Who are the regional and minor parties whose allegiences will shape the next Parliament? Grant Wyeth explores India's crowded political landscape.

In the wake of the ruling Congress Party's near annihilation in the polls, the question is on many lips. Is this the end for the Gandhi family and its epic political legacy? By Mosiqi Acharya 

India's election will take place at the intersection of two inexorable trends — urbanisation and 'youthification'.

Ashok Malik

Indian students at the University of Melbourne reflect on the campaign: Oishik Sircar (doctoral candidate, Melbourne Law School), Mayur Bedre (Master of International Relations) and Shantanu Mehra (Masters of Islamic Studies, Asia Institute) join Australia India Institute fellow Nirupama Subramanian.

The delicate, difficult task for the next Indian Prime Minister will be to develop a strategy for dealing with China that capitalises on the benefits of the relationship - trade, investment, cooperation on issues of mutual concern - while minimising the potential for conflict. By Pradeep Taneja.

Dr Swati Parashar reviews the recent Indian elections and gives her thoughts on how issues of gender equality were handled.

The sheer scale of this exercise in democracy is mind-boggling.
Pradeep Taneja

Professor Amitabh Mattoo, Nicholas Reece and Nirupama Subramanian go through the key features of the election in this Election Watch primer presentation.  

With the marathon vote building to a crescendo on May 12, some heavy-weight contests are in play in ballot boxes today, the third last voting phase. Ashok Malik surveys the prospects.

New Indian PM Narendra Modi's decision to invite the neighbours to his swearing-in ceremony was unprecedented and, hopefully, will play out as more than a symbolic gesture. By Mosiqi Acharya. Images: Getty

India's general election promises to be louder, bigger and more colorful than the Mardi Gras, the Carnival and La Tomatina put together.
Amitabh Mattoo

India's engagement with its neighbours and the wider world has been neglected for too long. Amitabh Mattoo outlines an agenda for the next government.

An Australian TV journalist working in New Dehli provides an insight into the difficulties providing comprehnsive coverage of the sprawling Indian elections. [Video]

India's new political leadership has been unveiled. Read Mosiqi Acharya's formguide to who's who in Modi's inner circle. 

Image: Getty
