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Melbourne must urgently start planning for a zero-carbon economy to protect itself from the worst effects of climate change, which will otherwise strike the city hard, write John Wiseman, David Karoly and Alexander Sheko in this extract from a new book.

Campaign advertising that denigrates and humiliates political leaders is cheap in both senses of the word and damages our political culture, writes Jackie Dickenson.

Labor’s strong showing in opinion polls is deceptive because it depends very much on Greens preferences, and the situation is also complicated by recent changes to electoral boundaries in Victoria, writes Denis Muller

With studies showing that increased police patrols have no effect on serious crime rates, and that the poor are unfairly targeted for minor forms of “anti-social behavior”, the role of PSOs must be questioned, writes Dave McDonald

The lack of a real vision for education on the part of both the government and the opposition is the product of a shift of power to the federal arena that is castrating the states, writes Glenn Savage


You can find political party campaign ads for Victoria's 2014 Election here.

Premier Denis Napthine wanted to see “proper” evidence before moving to legalise gay and lesbian adoption. The evidence is in, writes Simon Crouch, and it says many children thrive with same-sex parents.

Who can vote; when and where to vote; nomination processes and deadlines: To access the Victorian Electoral Commission's information and resources, click here

For access to State Government legislation, services, events, publications, directories, click here.

Also voting commences 4pm for electors with special circumstances; Last day for release of Pre-Election Budget Update by the Secretary of the Treasury.

New State Government electoral boundaries, reviewed over the past two years, come into play this year. For information and maps, click here
